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Negative Association Rules

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Mining association rules associates events that took place together. In market basket analysis, these discovered rules associate items purchased together. Items that are not part of a transaction are not considered. In other words, typical association rules do not take into account items that are part of the domain but that are not together part of a transaction. Association rules are based on frequencies and count the transactions where items occur together. However, counting absences of items is prohibitive if the number of possible items is very large, which is typically the case. Nonetheless, knowing the relationship between the absence of an item and the presence of another can be very important in some applications. These rules are called negative association rules. We review current approaches for mining negative association rules and we discuss limitations and future research directions.


L. Antonie, J. Li, O. Zaiane. "Negative Association Rules". Frequent Pattern Mining, Frequent Pattern Mining, Springer, (ed: Charu Aggarwal, and Jiawei Han), October 2014.

Keywords: negative association rules
Category: In Book
Web Links: Springer Link


  author = {Luiza Antonie and Jundong Li and Osmar R. Zaiane},
  title = {Negative Association Rules},
  Booktitle = {Frequent Pattern Mining},
  Publisher = "Springer",
  Editor = {Charu Aggarwal, and Jiawei Han},
  Chapter = "135-145",
  year = 2014,

Last Updated: February 05, 2020
Submitted by Sabina P

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