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Sparse multi-kernel based multi-task learning for joint prediction of clinical scores and biomarker identification in Alzheimer's Disease

Full Text: miccai17.pdf PDF

Machine learning methods have been used to predict the clinical scores and identify the image biomarkers from individual MRI scans. Recently, the multi-task learning (MTL) with sparsity-inducing norm have been widely studied to investigate the prediction power of neuroimaging measures by incorporating inherent correlations among multiple clinical cognitive measures. However, most of the existing MTL algorithms are formulated linear sparse models, in which the response (e.g., cognitive score) is a linear function of predictors (e.g., neuroimaging measures). To exploit the nonlinear relationship between the neuroimaging measures and cognitive measures, we consider that tasks to be learned share a common subset of features in the kernel space as well as the kernel functions. Specifically, we propose a multi-kernel based multitask learning with a mixed sparsity-inducing norm to better capture the complex relationship between the cognitive scores and the neuroimaging measures. The formation can be efficiently solved by mirror-descent optimization. Experiments on the Alzheimers Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) database showed that the proposed algorithm achieved better prediction performance than state-of-the-art linear based methods both on single MRI and multiple modalities.


P. Cao, X. Liu, O. Zaiane, D. Zhao. "Sparse multi-kernel based multi-task learning for joint prediction of clinical scores and biomarker identification in Alzheimer's Disease". International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Quebec City, Canada, September 2017.

Category: In Conference
Web Links: Webdocs


  author = {Peng Cao and Xiaoli Liu and Osmar R. Zaiane and Dazhe Zhao},
  title = {Sparse multi-kernel based multi-task learning for joint prediction
    of clinical scores and biomarker identification in Alzheimer's Disease},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer
    Assisted Intervention (MICCAI)},
  year = 2017,

Last Updated: November 03, 2019
Submitted by Sabina P

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