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Biomedical Text Disambiguation using UMLS

Full Text: HIBIBI2013.pdf PDF

Interest in extracting information from biomedical documents has increased significantly in recent years but has always been challenged by the ambiguity of natural language. An important source of ambiguity is the usage of polysemous words: words with multiple meanings. Word sense disambiguation algorithms attempt to solve this problem by finding the correct meaning of a polysemous word in a given context, but very few algorithms were designed to disambiguate biomedical text. In this study we propose a word sense disambiguation algorithm focused on biomedical text. The proposed algorithm does not need to be trained and uses a relatively small knowledge base.


W. El-Rab, O. Zaiane, M. El-Hajj. "Biomedical Text Disambiguation using UMLS". International Symposium on Network Enabled Health Informatics, Biomedicine and Bioinformatics, Niagara Falls, Canada, pp 943-947, August 2013.

Keywords: Word Sense Disambiguation, UMLS, MetaMap
Category: In Conference
Web Links: IEEE


  author = {Wessam Gad El-Rab and Osmar R. Zaiane and Mohammad El-Hajj},
  title = {Biomedical Text Disambiguation using UMLS},
  Pages = {943-947},
  booktitle = {International Symposium on Network Enabled Health Informatics,
    Biomedicine and Bioinformatics},
  year = 2013,

Last Updated: January 13, 2020
Submitted by Sabina P

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