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Mining with Constraints by Pruning and Avoiding Ineffectual Processing

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It is known that algorithms for discovering association rules generate an overwhelming number of those rules. While many new very efficient algorithms were recently proposed to allow the mining of extremely large datasets, the problem due to the sheer number of rules discovered still remains. In this paper we propose a new way of pushing the constraints in dual-mode based from the set of maximal patterns that is an order of magnitude smaller than the set of all frequent patterns.


M. El-Hajj, O. Zaiane. "Mining with Constraints by Pruning and Avoiding Ineffectual Processing". Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Sydney, Australia, (ed: Shichao Zhang, Ray Jarvis), pp 1001-1004, December 2005.

Category: In Conference
Web Links: Springer


  author = {Mohammad El-Hajj and Osmar R. Zaiane},
  title = {Mining with Constraints by Pruning and Avoiding Ineffectual
  Editor = {Shichao Zhang, Ray Jarvis},
  Pages = {1001-1004},
  booktitle = {Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
  year = 2005,

Last Updated: January 31, 2020
Submitted by Sabina P

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