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Experiments with Automatically Created Memory-Based Heuristics

A memory­based heuristic is a function, h(s), stored in the form of a lookup table: h(s) is computed by mapping s to an index and then retrieving the corresponding entry in the table. In this paper we present a notation for describing state spaces, PSVN, and a method for automatically creating memory­based heuristics for a state space by ab­ stracting its PSVN description. Two investigations of these automatically generated heuristics are presented. First, thousands of automatically gen­ erated heuristics are used to experimentally investigate the conjecture by Korf [4] that m Delta t is a constant, where m is the size of a heuristic's lookup table and t is the number of nodes expanded when the heuristic is used to guide search. Second, a similar large­scale experiment is used to verify that the Korf and Reid's complexity analysis [5] can be used to rapidly and reliably choose the best among a given set of heuristics.


R. Holte, I. Hernadvolgyi. "Experiments with Automatically Created Memory-Based Heuristics". Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation, Horseshoe Bay Resort and Conference Club; HorseshoeBay (Lake LBJ), Texas, January 2000.

Keywords: automatically, experiments, machine learning
Category: In Conference


  author = {Robert Holte and Istvan Hernadvolgyi},
  title = {Experiments with Automatically Created Memory-Based Heuristics},
  booktitle = {Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation},
  year = 2000,

Last Updated: April 25, 2007
Submitted by Christian Smith

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