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The Proteome Analyst Suite of Automated Function Prediction Tools

Full Text: Poulin.pdf PDF

Proteome Analyst (PA) is a publicly available, highthroughput,web-based system for automatically predictingthe function and properties of proteins. Biologists can usePA to predict, for example, the Gene Ontology (GO) molecular function and subcellular localization of a proteinbased on sequence information. Using sequence analysis tools and machine learning, PA gives high accuracy andbroad coverage for both molecular function and subcellularlocalization predictions.



B. Poulin, D. Szafron, P. Lu, R. Greiner, D. Wishart, R. Eisner, A. Fyshe, L. Pireddu. "The Proteome Analyst Suite of Automated Function Prediction Tools". Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), Michigan, June 2005.

Keywords: Proteome Analyst, GO hierarchy, machine learning, explanation, bioinformatics


  author = {Brett Poulin and Duane Szafron and Paul Lu and Russ Greiner and
    David S. Wishart and Roman Eisner and Alona Fyshe and Luca Pireddu},
  title = {The Proteome Analyst Suite of Automated Function Prediction Tools},
  booktitle = {Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB)},
  year = 2005,

Last Updated: February 06, 2020
Submitted by Sabina P

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