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Budgeted Parameter Learning of Generative Bayesian Networks

Full Text: Liuyang-MSc-thesis.pdf PDF

This dissertation studies the parameter estimation problem of Bayesian networks in the budgeted learning setting. More precisely, we assume that the correct structure of the Bayesian network representing the underlying distribution is given together with a xed positive budget, and each data attribute of the training set is associated with a cost. During the training phase, the learner is allowed to purchase value of an attribute of a certain data instance by deducting the corresponding cost from the budget. The goal of the learner is to make the purchases wisely so that when the budget is exhausted, the learned parameters from the purchased data are as close as possible to the underlying distribution that generates the data. The dissertation presents a theoretical framework for the problem, analyzes its hardness, and compares different algorithms and heuristics for solving the problem efciently and economically.


L. Li. "Budgeted Parameter Learning of Generative Bayesian Networks". MSc Thesis, University of Alberta, April 2009.

Keywords: budgeted learning, active learning, density estimation, machine learning
Category: MSc Thesis


  author = {Liuyang Spike Li},
  title = {Budgeted Parameter Learning of Generative Bayesian Networks},
  School = {University of Alberta},
  year = 2009,

Last Updated: June 15, 2012
Submitted by Russ Greiner

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