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Zhang, Jian

Name: Zhang, Jian
Webpage: none
1. P. Cao, X. Liu, J. Yang, D. Zhao, M. Huang, J. Zhang, O. Zaiane. "Nonlinearity-Aware based dimensionality reduction and over-sampling for AD/MCI classification from MRI Measures". Computers in Biology and Medicine, 91, pp 21-37, December 2017. view
2. P. Cao, X. Liu, D. Zhao, M. Huang, O. Zaiane, J. Zhang, W. Li. "L2,1-norm regularized multi-kernel based joint nonlinear feature selection and over-sampling for imbalanced data classification". Neurocomputing, 234(C), pp 38-57, April 2017. view
3. P. Cao, X. Liu, D. Zhao, M. Huang, O. Zaiane, J. Zhang, W. Li. "A L2,1 norm regularized multi-kernel learning for false positive reduction in Lung nodule CAD". Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 140(C), pp 211-231, March 2017. view

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