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Crowdsourcing Open Interactive Narrative

Interactive narrative is a form of digital interactive experience in which users influence a dramatic storyline through their actions. Artificial intelligence approaches to interactive narrative use a domain model to determine how the narrative should unfold based on user actions. However, domain models for interactive narrative require artificial intelligence and knowledge representation expertise. We present open interactive narrative, the problem of generating an interactive narrative experience about any possible topic. We present an open interactive narrative system— Scherazade IF—that learns a domain model from crowdsourced example stories so that the player can perform different actions and still receive a coherent story experience. We report on an evaluation of our system showing near-human level authoring


M. Guzdial, B. Harrison, B. Li, M. Riedl. "Crowdsourcing Open Interactive Narrative". International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, (ed: José Pablo Zagal, Esther MacCallum-Stewart, Julian Togelius), pp n/a, June 2015.

Category: In Conference


  author = {Matthew Guzdial and Brent Harrison and Boyang Li and Mark Riedl},
  title = {Crowdsourcing Open Interactive Narrative},
  Editor = {José Pablo Zagal, Esther MacCallum-Stewart, Julian Togelius},
  Pages = {n/a},
  booktitle = {International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games},
  year = 2015,

Last Updated: October 30, 2020
Submitted by Sabina P

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