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Publications by White, Adam

In Journal (refereed)

1. J. Modayil, A. White, R. Sutton. "Multi-timescale Nexting in a Reinforcement Learning Robot". Adaptive Behavior, 22(2), pp 146-160, April 2014. PDFview

In Conference (refereed)

2. R. Kumaraswamy, M. Schlegel, A. White, M. White. "Context-dependent Upper-confidence Bounds for Directed Exploration". Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), December 2019. view
3. Y. Wan, M. Zaheer, R. Sutton, A. White, M. White. "Planning with Expectation Models". International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), (ed: Sarit Kraus), pp 3649-3655, August 2019. PDFview
4. B. Rafiee, S. Ghiassian, A. White, R. Sutton. "Prediction in Intelligence: An Empirical Comparison of Off-policy Algorithms on Robots". Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), (ed: Edith Elkind, Manuela Veloso, Noa Agmon, Matthew E. Taylor), pp 332-340, May 2019. view
5. A. Jacobsen, M. Schlegel, C. Linke, T. Degris, A. White, M. White. "Meta-descent for Online, Continual Prediction". National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), pp 3943-3950, January 2019. view
6. C. Sherstan, B. Bennett, K. Young, D. Ashley, A. White, M. White, R. Sutton. "Comparing Direct and Indirect Temporal-Difference Methods for Estimating the Variance of the Return". Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), (ed: Amir Globerson and Ricardo Silva), pp 63-72, August 2018. PDFview
7. Y. Pan, M. Zaheer, A. White, A. Patterson, M. White. "Organizing Experience: a Deeper Look at Replay Mechanisms for Samplebased Planning in Continuous-State Domains". International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), (ed: Jerome Lang), pp 4794--4800, July 2018. PDFview
8. Y. Pan, A. White, M. White. "Accelerated Gradient Temporal Difference Learning". National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), San Francisco, USA, (ed: Satinder P. Singh, Shaul Markovitch), pp 2464-2470, February 2017. PDFview
9. C. Sherstan, M. Machado, A. White, P. Pilarski. "Introspective Agents: Confidence Measures for General Value Functions". Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), New York, USA, (ed: Bas R. Steunebrink, Pei Wang, Ben Goertzel), pp 258-261, July 2016. PDFview
10. M. White, A. White. "A Greedy Approach to Adapting the Trace Parameter for Temporal Difference Learning". Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), (ed: Catholijn M. Jonker, Stacy Marsella, John Thangarajah, Karl Tuyls), pp 557-565, May 2016. view
11. A. White, M. White. "Investigating Practical Linear Temporal Difference Learning". Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), (ed: Catholijn M. Jonker, Stacy Marsella, John Thangarajah, Karl Tuyls), pp 494-502, May 2016. view
12. A. White, J. Modayil, R. Sutton. "Scaling Life-long Off-policy Learning". Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-Epi, Osaka, Japan, August 2013. view
13. J. Modayil, A. White, P. Pilarski, R. Sutton. "Acquiring a broad range of empirical knowledge in real time by temporal-difference learning". International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Seoul, South Korea, pp 1903-1910, October 2012. PDFview
14. J. Modayil, A. White, R. Sutton. "Multi-timescale Nexting in a Reinforcement Learning Robot". International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB), Odense, Denmark, (ed: Ziemke T., Balkenius C., Hallam J.), pp 299-309, August 2012. PDFview
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