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Publications by Hoehn, Bret

In Journal (unrefereed)

1. G. Stirnimann, M. Ebadi, B. Hoehn, I. Simone, V. Mazurak, R. Greiner, P. Tandon, A. Montano-Loza. "Predicting sarcopenia in patients with cirrhosis based on clinical and laboratory parameters using machine learning.". Journal of Hepatology, 70(1 Suppl), pp E683-E684, April 2019. view

In Conference (refereed)

2. P. Hooper, Y. Abbasi-Yadkori, R. Greiner, B. Hoehn. "Improved Mean and Variance Approximations for Belief Net Responses via Network Doubling". Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), June 2009. PDFview
3. J. Lees-Miller, F. Anderson, B. Hoehn, R. Greiner. "Does Wikipedia Information Help Netflix Predictions?". International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), December 2008. PDFview
4. B. Hoehn, F. Southey, R. Holte, V. Bulitko. "Effective Short-Term Opponent Exploitation in Simplified Poker". National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Pittsburgh, pp 783-788, July 2005. PDFview
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