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Improved A1C Levels in Type 1 Diabetes with Smartphone App Use

Full Text: PIIS1499267116300417.pdf PDF

Objectives Smartphones are a potentially useful tool in diabetes care. We have developed an application (app) linked to a website, Intelligent Diabetes Management (IDM), which serves as both an insulin bolus calculator and an electronic diabetes diary. We have prospectively studied whether patients using this app improved control of their glucose levels.

Methods Patients with type 1 diabetes were recruited. There was a 4-week observation period, midway during which we offered to review the participants' records. The app was then downloaded and participants' diabetes regimens entered on the synchronized IDM website. At 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks of the active phase, their records were reviewed online, and feedback was provided electronically. The primary endpoint was change in levels of glycated hemoglobin (A1C).

Results Of the 31 patients recruited, 18 completed the study. These 18 made 572±98 entries per person on the IDM system over the course of the study (≈5.1/day). Their ages were 40.0±13.9 years, the durations of their diabetes were 27.3±14.9 years and 44% used insulin pumps. The median A1C level fell from 8.1% (7.5 to 9.0, IQ range) to 7.8% (6.9 to 8.3; p<0.001). During the observation period, glucose records were reviewed for 50% of the participants. In the active phase, review of the glucose diaries took less time on the IDM website than using personal glucose records in the observation period, median 6 minutes (5 to 7.5 IQ range) vs. 10 minutes (7.5 to 10.5 IQ range; p<0.05).

Conclusions Our smartphone app enables online review of glucose records, requires less time for clinical staff and is associated with improved glucose control.


E. Ryan, J. Holland, E. Stroulia, B. Bazelli, S. Babwik, H. Li, P. Senior, R. Greiner. "Improved A1C Levels in Type 1 Diabetes with Smartphone App Use". Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 41(1), pp 33-40, February 2017.

Keywords: diabetes, smart phone, app, A1C, machine learning, medical informatics
Category: In Journal
Web Links: Journal


  author = {Edmond Ryan and Joanna Holland and Eleni Stroulia and Blerina
    Bazelli and Stephanie Ann Babwik and Haipeng Li and Peter Senior and Russ
  title = {Improved A1C Levels in Type 1 Diabetes with Smartphone App Use},
  Volume = "41",
  Number = "1",
  Pages = {33-40},
  journal = {Canadian Journal of Diabetes},
  year = 2017,

Last Updated: August 02, 2021
Submitted by Russ Greiner

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