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An Effective Complete-Web Recommender System

Full Text: WWW03-Effective.pdf PDF
Other Attachments: p718-tszhu.htm 

There are a number of recommendation systems that can suggest the webpages, within a single website, that other (purportedly similar) users have visited. By contrast, our goal is a system that can recommend "information content" (IC) pages --- i.e. pages that contain information relevant to the user --- from anywhere in the web. This paper describes how we addressed this challenge, We first collected a number of annotated user sessions, whose pages each include a bit indicating whether it was IC. Our system, ICPageFinder, then used this collection to learn the characteristics of words that appear in such IC-pages, in terms of the word's "browsing features" (e.g. did the user follow links whose anchor included this word, etc.). This paper describes the ICPageFinder system, as well as a tool (AIE) we developed to help users annotate their sessions, and a study we performed to collect these annotated sessions. We also present empirical data that validate the effectiveness of this approach.


T. Zhu, R. Greiner, G. Haeubl. "An Effective Complete-Web Recommender System". Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference, Budapest, HUNGARY, May 2003.

Keywords: WebIC, web, machine learning
Category: In Conference


  author = {Tingshao Zhu and Russ Greiner and Gerald Haeubl},
  title = {An Effective Complete-Web Recommender System},
  booktitle = {Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference},
  year = 2003,

Last Updated: August 13, 2007
Submitted by Russ Greiner

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