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Book Review: Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems: Representation and Inference in the CYC Project

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The book under review here, ?Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems: Representation and Inference in the Cyc Project", describes progress so far in an attempt to build a system that is intended to exhibit general common-sense reasoning ability. This review first discusses aspects of the Cyc system, with a focus on important decisions made in designing its knowledge representation language, and on how claims about the performance of the system might be validated. The review then turns to the book itself, discussing both its merits and its faults.


C. Elkan, R. Greiner. "Book Review: Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems: Representation and Inference in the CYC Project". Artificial Intelligence (AIJ), 61(1), pp 41--52, August 1993.

Keywords: knowledge-based systems, review, CYC
Category: In Journal


  author = {Charles Elkan and Russ Greiner},
  title = {Book Review: Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems: Representation
    and Inference in the CYC Project},
  Volume = "61",
  Number = "1",
  Pages = {41--52},
  journal = {Artificial Intelligence (AIJ)},
  year = 1993,

Last Updated: July 13, 2010
Submitted by Russ Greiner

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