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Publications by Gamache, A.

In Journal (refereed)

1. O. Zaiane, A. Gamache. "Constraints of the integration of smart cards in a distributed medical record system". 6eme Journees Internationales des Sciences Informatiques, June 1992. PDFview

In Conference (refereed)

2. O. Zaiane, A. Gamache. "Optimisation de l'espace mémoire du DMP par compression des transactions médicales". congrès de l'ACFAS, Rimouski, Canada, pp n/a, May 1993. PDFview
3. A. Gamache, O. Zaiane. "La technologie de la carte à puce et la sécurité". Conférence du CRISP, R.A.M.Q., Quebec City, Canada, pp n/a, January 1992. view
4. A. Gamache, P. Ardouin, O. Zaiane. "Design constrains and implementation of a PMR smartcard based software". ACT, Toronto, Canada, pp n/a, November 1991. PDFview

In Workshop

5. A. Gamache, O. Zaiane. "Integration of a smartcard in a distributed medical record system". June 1992. view
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