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Publications by Castellanos-Cruz, Javier L.

In Journal (refereed)

1. J. Castellanos-Cruz, M. Gomez-Medina, M. Tavakoli, P. Pilarski, K. Adams. "Comparison of Attentive and Explicit Eye Gaze Interfaces for Controlling Haptic Guidance of a Robotic Controller". Journal of Medical Robotics Research, 4(3), May 2020. view
2. M. Gomez-Medina, J. Castellanos-Cruz, A. Rincon, P. Pilarski, K. Adams. "Comparison between two different prompting conditions when children use a lego robot to perform a set of tasks". Assistive Technology, 31(5), November 2019. view
3. J. Castellanos-Cruz, M. Gomez-Medina, M. Tavakoli, P. Pilarski, K. Adams. "Predicting the toys that children and participants with cerebral palsy want to reach while controlling a haptic telerobotic system". Assistive Technology, 31(5), June 2019. view

In Conference (refereed)

4. J. Castellanos-Cruz, M. Tavakoli, P. Pilarski, K. Adams. "Supporting Play by Applying Haptic Guidance Along a Surface Learnt from Single Motion Trajectories". International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), pp 175-180, June 2019. view
5. J. Castellanos-Cruz, M. Gómez-Medina, M. Tavakoli, P. Pilarski, K. Adams. "Preliminary Testing of a Telerobotic Haptic System and Analysis of Visual Attention during a Playful Activity". Robotics & Automation w/ International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, pp 1280–1285, October 2018. view
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