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Publications with keyword "Performance"

1. J. Hu, T. Luo, X. Su, J. Dong, W. Tong, R. Goebel, Y. Xu, G. Lin. "Machine scheduling with a maintenance interval and job delivery coordination". Optimization Letters, 10(8), pp 1645-1656, December 2016. PDFview
2. M. Kim, Y. Xu, O. Zaiane, R. Goebel. "Recognition of Patient-related Named Entities in Noisy Tele-health Texts". ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 6(4), pp 1-59, August 2015. PDFview
3. W. Tong, R. Goebel, T. Liu, G. Lin. "Approximating the Maximum Multiple RNA Interaction Problem". Theoretical Computer Science, 556, pp 63-70, October 2014. PDFview
4. C. Drummond, R. Holte. "Cost Curves: An Improved Method for Visualizing Classifier Performance". Machine Learning Journal (MLJ), 65(1), pp 95-130, October 2006. view
5. R. Niewiadomski, J. Amaral. "A Performance Study of Data Layout Techniques for Improving Data Locality in Refinement-Based Pathfinding". Journal of Experimental Algorithms (JEA), 1.2(9), pp 1-28, January 2004. PDFview
6. R. Holte, J. Yan. "Inferring What a User is Not Interested In". Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (CAI), pp 159-171, May 1996. PSview
7. R. Greiner. "Towards A Formal Analysis of EBL". International Workshop on Machine Learning, June 1989. view
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